By the time you get to middle school you have had much school experience, and you know how to behave in a classroom situation.  You should have developed the ability to self-monitor and control your own actions to a large extent, and you will be expected to do so in school.

1.  Arrive to class on time and be prepared for the work at hand.

Bring books and completed assignments to class.  Students must use their planner for a tardy pass to go to their locker for work or books. An academic referral will be issued to students for not having completed work so that they will have the opportunity to receive a grade for the work completed.

Be in your seat when the bell rings.  On the fourth tardy to class in any given quarter, students are issued an office referral.

Make-up work is the responsibility of the student.  Students should request advanced make-up work prior to leaving for appointments and or school related activities.

2.  Remain attentive to the task at hand during the full period.

Actively listen to daily plans and write down homework in your planner.

Bring your AR book to class to read while others are completing work.

Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking.

You are dismissed by the teacher not the bell.

3.  Be considerate of the rights and feelings of others.

A Successful Classroom

Security--Every student must feel safe enough in the classroom to take risks in the course of their learning.

Identity--Every student must be recognized as an individual with unique needs and abilities.

Responsibility--Every student is responsible for his/her own actions.

Dignity--Every student should have self-respect and respect for the thoughts and actions.

Community--Together, the teacher, student, and parents/guardians. WE create a support system that encourages trust and learning.