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The Board meets this past Monday night.

Board Approves Growth Rate

The Pine Valley Board of Education held a public hearing and met in regular session last Monday.   A public hearing was held to take public input on exceeding the basic allowable growth rate and accessing the applicable allowable growth rate plus 1%. No one from the public was present to provide testimony.

During the regular meeting, the board approved the applicable allowable growth rate and reviewed the budget for 2004-05. Member Steve Lane expressed concern that security was being cut in the budget proposal for school events. He suggested that line item be returned to the budget. Other members agreed on the restoration of that item to the proposed budget.

Member Randy Brown suggested that the district was proposing more dollars then needed in the building/sinking fund. Members agreed to trim $25,000 from that fund in the budget proposal. The board then agreed to hold a public hearing on the budget with consideration for adoption to follow at the regular meeting on September 3rd. The public hearing will begin at 8:00 PM with the regular meeting to follow.

In other action, the board approved transferring $50,000 to the depreciation fund, approved a new master contract agreement with the AGEA for certificated teachers, and heard administrative reports.

Board Approves Growth Rate

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