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Be An Involved Parent

Do you want to be involved with your child at school but don't think you have the time? Here are some timely tips to help you get involve with only 30 minutes. Got 5 minutes? * Introduce yourself. Indicate the best way to . . .

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Does Your Child Need to Be Reading 20 Minutes Per Night?

...NEA -- Read Across America

Why Can't I Skip My Twenty Minutes of Reading Tonight? Let's figure it out -- mathematically! The importance and cumulative effects of daily reading. Student A reads 20 minutes five nights every week. Student B . . .

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Profile of a Child Least Vulnerable to Drug Use

Profile of a Child Least Vulnerable to Drug Use Strong family in which there is a clear policy on drug use and personal conduct. Child’s parents know the parents of his or her friends. Parents stay in contact with . . .

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Six Steps to Handling Parent-Teacher Conflicts

1.  Don't grab a teacher on the fly about an incident that happened the day before.        DO schedule a quiet time to talk, and frame the issue in advance for the teacher, so there is time for . . .

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Sports Parent Know-How

....the first steps toward a culture of winners

Sports Parent Know-How... ...the first steps toward a culture of winners. Coach-Parent Partnership Research is clear that when parents and teachers work together a child tends to do better in . . .

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