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Don't Stress Over Finals

Tips for Preparing for Finals

  1. It is that time of semester again, the time of stress, cramming and little sleep. The week of finals is the time that most students start to tense up and panic as the end of the year draws near.
  2.  Here are some Tips for Preparing for Finals:        
  3. Tip #1. Get Enough Sleep- Don't pull an "all nighter." You will do better if you are rested, and cramming often leads to a superficial and confused knowledge of the material you have studied.
  4. Tip #2. Start Studying Early- Preparing for finals begins even BEFORE the actual week of final exams. You cannot cram an entire quarter or semester's worth of information into one or two nights of studying.    
  5. Tip #3. Don't Panic- At least three days before the exam, take about an hour simply to read over your notes. Do not overload your brain it can only absorb so much in an hour.

Think about it. One week can determine up to 20% of your final grade in every class.