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National Honor Society Requirements

1. To be eligible for membership in National Honor Society, a student must be at least a second semester sophomore with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better.
2. Each eligible student will receive a preapplication.
3. The nomination process would be completed as follows:
     a. Teachers will evaluate students based on character they have observed as they've worked with them in class and during an extracurricular activity. Once the forms have been completed and turned in they will be figured in the following manner:
             1. The top ten teacher evaluations will be scored.
             2. A recommendation will receive 10 points.
             3. A non-recommendation will receive -5 points.
             4. The total score must add up to 75/100 to pass this part of the nomination process.
     b. Teachers will evaluate students based on leadership they have observed in the classroom as well as their participation in school and community activities. All academically eligible students will be given a preapplication to determine their participation in school and community activities. These will be passed along to teachers when they get their nomination forms. Once the forms have been completed and turned in, they will be figured in the following manner:
                1. The top teacher evaluations will be scored.
                2. The leadership rankings will be added together.
                3. A student must receive 75/100 to pass this part of the nomination process.
                4. A copy of the nomination form is attached.
4. The application process will consist of the following.
     a. A FORMAL, scored interview with the faculty council.
     b. A FORMAL, scored essay explaining why he/she should be a member of National Honor Society.
     c. The interview will count toward 50% of selection.
     d. The essay will count toward 50% of selection.
     e. In order to be accepted into membership, the student's score must total 75% of the points possible for both parts combined.

National Honor Society Requirements

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