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Leading 21st Century Schools

the Lexus and the Olive Tree

Leading schools in the 21st century requires our representatives to proactively plan for the world our children will be inheriting over the next two decades. We must actively challenge the current systems that were designed to provide students skills for an industrial society. Times have certainly changed and unfortunately our school systems may be falling far behind the rate of change in our economy and culture. We must have the courage to design learning systems that prepare our most valuable assets for a wonderful life in the digital age. I have listed in the related sites a number of resources for you to read and reflect upon. Please share your thoughts about the direction our school reform efforts should lead us.

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Leading 21st Century Schools


Jun 22, 2005

I've been thinking that I need to be more aware and concerned about this even though my children are young but I didn't know where to start. Thanks for all the great links. Now I know what to do.
Blaine Hubbardblaineh@fes.org

Mar 12, 2009

Just testing topic name change.
Blaine Hubbardblaineh@fes.org

Mar 12, 2009

Isn't this fun?