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Pine Valley Board Minutes



The Board of Education of School District #10 held its regular meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. in the District Office. Board members present were: Dave Crooker, Susan Hurless, Mark Johnson, Lisa Chohon, Bob Maxwell and Gary Allen. Members absent: None. Also present was Superintendent Kevin Wingard. There were several guests in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Board President, Tim Allen at 5:00 p.m.

Notice of the meeting was on radio station KABS and in the Pine Valley Star-Journal.

There was one addition to the agenda. Item 3.16 – School Law Seminar.

The Board of Education shared a card from Roudy Clapper.

Motion was made by Dave Crooker and seconded by Bob Maxwell to approve the following consent agenda items: Minutes of the April 11 and 25 meetings, claims in the amount of $448,339.19 from the General Fund, $8,015.89 from the Building Fund and $9,479.11 from the Depreciation Fund. Set the next regular meeting for June 13, 2005 in the District Office at 8:00 p.m. Roll call vote: unanimous.

The Cash Flow Report for the month of April was given. The Treasurer’s Report was given as follows: Cash Assets: April 20, 2005: $677,827.07; Anticipated receipts for May 2005: $828,039.00, Projected May 20, 2005 balance: $1,057,526.88.

High School Student Council members sent their report via Mr. Wingard. The main activity for the month was the visit to the Senior Citizen’s Center.  The student council enjoyed a delicious meal and had a wonderful time playing pitch and pool.

Elementary Principal Sarah Williams reported on the following: Schoolwide Title Plan Accepted, End of Year Activities, Friend of Education Award, Reading First.

Secondary Principal Harvey Wewel reported on the following: 4th Grade Orientation, Class Awards, National Junior Honor Society, Semester Tests, High School Awards Convocation, High School Band and Vocal Concert, Graduation Practice.

Activity Director Darrell Gerdes reported on the following: Track, Golf, ACS Meetings, Sports Banquet, Award Banquets.

Superintendent Wingard shared Legislative updates with the Board.

The board shared ideas on Transportation and Bus Routes with the District Office and proposals will be shared with the Board for discussion at later meetings.

Mr. Allen and Mr. Crooker visited with the City’s Committee on the current facility use agreement that was out of date and developed a new agreement.  No major changes were noted.

The latest list of donors was shared with the Board on the Bill Wurtz Memorial.

The Board reviewed the latest financial report from Lunchtime Solutions.  The last two months have lower numbers but the numbers are consistent with past years.  The lower numbers are a reflection of all the activities.  The financial numbers are almost double of last years at this time.

Mr. Wingard shared a copy of a letter signed by the Superintendents in ESU 17 that was sent to Commissioner Christensen and the State Board of Education with concerns related to the Essential Education and proposed Rule 10 changes.

The Board recognized Larry Rice on receiving the “Friend of Education Award”.  Unfortunately Larry was attending a track meet and this will take place at a later meeting.

The Board will have a Recognition Breakfast for the employees on May 20th.

The Board discussed the need to review Policy 4545 – Release from Contract and will at a future meeting.

Copies of the current handbooks were handed out to board members for their review and approval will take place at the June meeting.

Board members were asked about the School Law Seminar on June 10th.

Motion was made by Mark Johnson and seconded by Susan Hurless to approve the resignation of Mr. James Hoppe effective at the end of the 2004-05 school year. Roll call vote: unanimous.

Motion was made by Dave Crooker and seconded by Mark Johnson to approve a teaching contract for Drew Potter for the 2005-06 school year. Roll call vote: unanimous.

Motion was made by Mark Johnson and seconded by Lisa Chohon to approve a teaching contract for Kelli McBride for the 2005-06 school year. Roll call vote: unanimous.

Motion was made by Dave Crooker and seconded by Bob Maxwell to table the 2005-06 Certified Staff Negotiated Agreement to the June 13 board meeting. Roll call vote: unanimous.

Motion was made by Lisa Chohon and seconded by Susan Hurless to approve the option enrollment request for Bo Painter who will be in kindergarten the 2005-06 school year. Roll call vote: unanimous.

Motion was made by Mark Johnson and seconded by Lisa Chohon to approve the K-12 Language Arts Curriculum. Roll call vote: unanimous.

Motion was made by Dave Crooker and seconded by Bob Maxwell to approve financial support for the National History Day Contest as dictated by AR-5300.1. Roll call vote: unanimous.

Motion was made by Lisa Chohon and seconded by Mark Johnson to keep the June regular meeting on Monday, June 13th at 8:00 p.m. as scheduled. Roll call vote: unanimous.

Motion was made by Dave Crooker and seconded by Gary Allen to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m. Roll call vote: unanimous.

The Board will hold a work session on May 31, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. in the District Office. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 13, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. in the District Office. Current agendas and/or discussion topics will be available for public inspection in the office of the superintendent.

                                                                        Sandra Dannatt, Recording Secretary