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Profile of a Child Least Vulnerable to Drug Use

Profile of a Child Least Vulnerable to Drug Use

  • Strong family in which there is a clear policy on drug use and personal conduct.
  • Child’s parents know the parents of his or her friends.
  • Parents stay in contact with each other to establish reasonable standards of behavior for the group.
  • All parents take a very clear position against drug use and set a good example in their own use of alcohol and of pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Child frequently has friends come to the house and the behavior of all youngsters is open and normal.
  • Child is busy and productive, pursuing a number of interests – school – sports – clubs & hobbies.
  • Child has a spiritual dimension or a religious conviction to his or her life.

Profile of a Child Least Vulnerable to Drug Use


Jun 24, 2005

Thanks for paying attention to this and offering this article. Drugs are a constant threat to our kids and I need to know everything I can do to fight against it.