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Six Steps to Handling Parent-Teacher Conflicts

1.  Don't grab a teacher on the fly about an incident that happened the day before.  

    DO schedule a quiet time to talk, and frame the issue in advance for the teacher, so there is time for reflection and a detailed, thoughtful discussion.

2. Don't micromanage the details for your child or be overly involved.

    DO be involved, but let your child learn to take responsibility.

3. Don't go straight to the principal.

    DO turn to this as your last resort, when trying to work things out directly with the teacher has failed.

4.  Don't believe everything your child tells you.

    DO get specific details and get to the bottom of the story before storming in to see the teacher.

5.  Don't disparage the teacher in front of your child; your child will mimic your attitude.

    DO create a united front with the teacher so that your child will not play on of you off the other.  You can work out your differences in private.

6.  Don't get into homework battles with your child before talking to the teacher about what she expects from your child.

    DO serve as a homework adviser but not an active participant.