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Getting Involved

Why should I get involved?

Extracurricular activities are important when it comes to applying for scholarships and gaining admission to your top-rated college. Here are more reasons:

You'll explore potential career interests. Think you might want to work in the medical profession? Volunteer at a hospital or nursing home. Interested in politics? Run for student council. You get the idea…

You'll develop leadership and teamwork skills. And that will impress future employers, scholarship donors and college admissions representatives.

You'll make new friends. And they'll be friends who share your interests.

You'll become more organized. Let's face it. The busier you are, the more organized you have to be. But don't overdo it. Be selective and choose activities that strongly appeal to you.

It gives you an "out." If friends suggest activities that could get you into trouble, your busy schedule provides the perfect excuse.

It's fun! Talk to any student who's involved in extracurricular activities, they'll tell you the main reason they're involved is because it's a good time.

Your school offers all sorts of extracurricular activities. You can also check with your local United Way and other charitable organizations for some great volunteer activities.

Track your activities and honors throughout high school for future scholarship and college applications.

Parents ...
  • Encourage your child to get involved throughout high school! Involvement in clubs and other extracurricular activities will dramatically increase future scholarship opportunities.

Note:  This article was used with the expressed permission of EducationQuest Foundation

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